Now you can too

Fast, simple and safe process

Bidding at is very simple

Fast and free registration

Fast and free registration

Create your account with a digital certificate or by filling in a standard form. Once you have validated your account you will be able to: follow the goods you are interested in, bid for them, access information about the sales or auctions in which you have participated and manage your data.


Some sales and auctions require this in order to participate. You will need to send us proof of the transfer via the platform. As soon as we make the necessary checks, you will be able to start bidding.


First you must accept the particular conditions of the property, read them carefully. Once your bid has been verified and all the data has been collected, the system will issue the time stamp and you will receive an email confirming your bid.

From Your auctions, you will see your bid in green when it is the highest and in red when it is exceeded. We help you to keep everything under control so that you don't lose the property you are interested in.


We now have a number of formalities to complete. We will let you know when you have to make the payments and we will help you get the documents that recognise you as the new owner. Congratulations!

Are you bidding on behalf of someone? No problem!


ou also have the possibility to act on behalf of one or several represented persons.
At all times, the application will show you on whose behalf the bid is being placed.
Now select your represented party and bid for it..