Single-family home located in Pe da Ruba, Viveiro (Lugo)
In the town of Pe da Ruba, a house composed of a ground floor, with stables, a kitchen, an oven and an upper floor, was a mashing and a connected farm with a total capacity of fourteen areas. The ground floor occupies 152.00 m², and is intended for housing and a garage, and the upper floor is intended for housing and occupies 119.00 m², which adds up to a total constructed area of 271.00 m².
REGISTRATION. - Not available.
CADASTRAL REF. - It has been assigned the RC number 001100900PJ13A0002IZ, with respect to the house, and is part of the number 27067A035027580000XP with respect to the land.
At the same appointment and given by Chousa, a plot of land of five areas of fifty centiares (550.00 m²).
REGISTRATION. - Not available.
CADASTRAL REFERENCE. - It is part of RC number 27067A035027580000XP.
Location of properties 1 and 2: Industrial Estate 35. Plot No. 2758.
Possessive situation
Registry data
Registry: | Desconocido |
Property: | Desconocido |
Expenses, taxes and charges
Charges and encumbrances
Community debts
IBI debts
Administration fees
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